

Child Name - Anthara Ravi, 2015  Graduate

My daughter could not have gone to a better Montessori Environment than Dishaa. We saw her develop into a confident, responsible, sensitive and an independent being. The love and the attention she and the other children received here is beyond compare. Its the best foundation for life, I could've asked for.

Thank you,
Pratima Ravi


Child Name - Vihaan Swaminathan, 2015  Graduate

It was a scintillating experience for our son Vihaan these 4 years at Dishaa. Truly following the Montessori philosophy the adults at Dishaa knew about the child as much as we parents did. Amongst all other nice things we experienced, it is the ability to give and take feedback that stands out at Dishaa. Thanks!! Dishaa team..wish he could have continued learning here. All the very best to continue your great strides in helping the young beings grow beautifully. 




Child Name -  Lassya Reddy and Lekhya Reddy, 2015  Graduate

As  parents,  we would like to  share our experience about Dishaa Montessori.  We had enrolled our twin girls in Dishaa 3 years ago . We had a brief idea about Montessori before joining our kids but  our  3 year journey made us believe that Dishaa Montessori is the best foundation that we had given to our children. We  appreciate  Dharini madam, Geeta madam ,all teachers and staff  for providing right education and good values to  our children. Where ever our children go , whichever position they are , the appreciation goes to Dishaa because the foundation laid in their early years of childhood is really unbelievable. Thanks to Dishaa team. Dishaa is a second home for our children.


Malini and Nagireddy

Child Name -  Suraj Prashanth, 2015  Graduate

As our younger child, Suraj, steps out of Dishaa this year we are amazed how far all of us have travelled with the school over the last five years since Sacheth, our older one, joined Dishaa as one of its first students. One thing that has struck us most over these years is the excitement that our children have shown to go to school every day. This excitement was reflected in the stories that they came back and told us - of what happened in school, there was always something going on – a new story told by a favourite aunty, something new learned in class –like how the butterfly evolves from the caterpillar, a fruit brought home from a plant that they had nurtured, a field trip to a farm – they had so many things to make a day exciting. The teachers at Dishaa knew every small thing that there was to know about our children. Where Sacheth needed special attention, his teachers went the extra mile to help him.  With Suraj, it has been heartening for us to see how Dishaa has helped him develop a sense of wonder for life around him  We wish Dishaa all the very best for the journey ahead.

Lakshmi and Prasanth


Deepa (Vidula's) mother
