Anya Selvaraj, 2018 March graduate

Any philosophy is only as good as the people who implement it. Dishaa is a living example of that with the way the team has handled our children, the way they have guided us and kept us grounded as Parents. The adults at Dishaa love what they do and it shows in their everyday interactions, in the way they observe our children's traits and behaviour and in their appropriate and timely feedback. Many a times, we have found them making observations which we as parents can easily oversee.

At Dishaa , the team always puts the child first in everything , teachers next and then parents - this order I think is what makes them what they are. Every initiative taken by the school is done with a purpose and executed with the right intent - and goes to show that as a school they are always willing to go that extra mile to do the best for our children.  Facilitating Parent-run Saturday workshops, community library, shared snack initiative - are all just examples of the effort of the school in ensuring all-round development of the child and in encouraging parents to do so too.

As Winnie the Pooh says, "How lucky am I to have something that makes saying Good-bye so hard" - Dishaa has indeed made Good-bye hard for us after having enjoyed our  journey with them in the pre-primary years. We wish them all the very best.

Rajeswari and Selvarajan.


Thank you for everything.


Saanvi M, 2018 March graduate


Shirley John, 2018 March graduate