Child Name - Akhilesh - 2021 Graduate

 Akhilesh learnt the first two years sitting in your loving lap and warm hug for him will be in his and our memory. Nearly 2 and half years you taught Akhilesh to do many things. Three years back when I was looking for a school for Akhilesh, i was very clear that i will not put him in a big school where he needs to carry heavy bags, write exams and go through the pressure at a tender age. Then is when I came across Dishaa and decided to go ahead with it. When I put him there I was thinking he will grow up at his phase and yet learn something so that he can get admission in 1st std. But Dishaa team has done much more than what I expected.

Vijaya, Akhilesh’s Mum



Child Name - Mahatej Ramprasad- 2021 Graduate


Child Name - Deepa Iyer - 2021 Graduate