Child Name - Nirvan Tandur - 2023 Graduate

Every morning children are welcomed through the doors of Dishaa.

Some of the children get hugs, some a loud 'Hello'. My son gets a formal 'Good Morning!' that he chooses to ignore.

Why are children treated differently at Dishaa? 

Because we are fundamentally different as humans. What makes us unique is what makes us special.

Dishaa works within the boundaries of each child's character to develop their learning abilities.

Aunties understand the meaning of every expression of a child. Their minds and hearts are tuned into these tiny frequencies. 

Dishaa is a magical space, where children learn at an extraordinary pace with zero pressure.

I often wondered how they do this? When you are truly comfortable where you are, what you can achieve becomes limitless.

Every afternoon I wait with a few happy parents to pick up my son Nirvaan. 

Children come out doing frog jumps, cart wheels, holding up pieces of artwork or squealing with delight. 

Each child has had a day of learning at their own pace. 

I am grateful for finding Dishaa. I am grateful for the time we have spent here.

In a world where everyone is running without thinking, the children of Dishaa will be the ones who truly experienced and enjoyed their run.


Reshma – Nirvaan’s Mum




Child Name - Vedant - 2023 Graduate


Child Name - Neel Jalan - 2023 Graduate